Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Astaro Road Trip to Day-Con II

iStock_000006351227XSmall Astaro is renting an RV and taking some of the "Security Twits" and others on a road trip from Boston to Dayton for the Day-Con II hacker/security convention http://www.day-con.org/ We have had a couple of people back out, so we have space for a couple more to join us. Interested in joining us for the trip?

We'll be leaving the Boston area Thursday 10/9 in the afternoon or evening and headed to the DC area, we'll leave the DC area on Friday morning for Dayton. Day-Con starts Friday evening and runs all day Saturday. The return trip kicks off Sunday morning 10/12, reversing the route back to DC and Boston. Astaro is covering the travel expense, you will need to cover your convention ticket (currently $150), hotel and incidentals. Tickets are still available for the conference, I think the conference hotel may be sold out, but I believe there are reasonable alternatives in the area.

Background and additional information:
and http://blogs.zdnet.com/feeds/?p=255

If you would like to join us or for more information, please let me know- jdaniel [at] astaro.com

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